DE SILVA charity

Why should we donate for the poor people in Kalpitiya?

Why should we overtake social responsibility?

Why should we take care for our natural surroundings?


What we do for our environment!

De Silva Donations

De Silva Annual Staff Trips

De Silva overtakes responsibility for natural environment!

As a hotel company, De Silva does not withdraw from this topic and tries to take a leading role! We no longer offer drinks in plastic bottles for sale! Also we ask for your support: we offer water dispensers (2€/day) to refill your bottel!

We have changed our hotel business into plastic free. We try as much as possible to avoid waste when buying food for the hotel which we buy at local stores! 

We hope to create awareness by cleaning Kalpitiya´s beach & streets!

Also De Silva supports the plantation of Mangroves which are one of the most productive ecosystems on our planet:

  • Mangroves protect the coasts (erosion)
  • Mangroves protect from climate change through CO2
  • Mangroves provide habitats for many species (birds, reptiles and small marine creatures)

De Silva also takes care of the street dogs & cats in Kalpitiya and often invites medical personnel to take care of the dogs and to sterilize them.

De Silva takes care of Kalpitiya´s society!

We also support the school children in Kalpitiya with school books and clothes. To prevent locals from Dengu we supported so many families with mosquito nets during the period of Dengu fiever in 2017. De Silva supports many different local institutions in Kalpitiya such as the Buddhist Temple, the Catholic Church, the fishermen’s association, as well as families in need…

De Silva Team shall get an advantage!

De Silva tries to support its team members as much as possible and pay out special bonuses in addition to the salary, or assist with weddings. We try to employ mostly locals and make no distinction as to gender, origin, religion or otherwise. The De Silva team does great things every day! As a thank you De Silva makes a staff trip every year in October. Together we always travel to different places in Sri Lanka for a few days. This not only promotes team building but also gives the De Silva team members the opportunity to explore their own country.



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It’s never too late to do something!

If you can feel the suffering of poverty as we do and want to do something about it, then support us in our next project:

We are collecting money to build a new school class in Kalpitiya. The condition of the current premises is very precarious and we will tackle this. Contribute to it and make your donation directly at our resort office!