by Kiteschule Srilanka | Jun 18, 2013 | News
Stay at our newly and very natural built guesthouse :-)The rooms have capacy for 2 Person, but also possible to stay single there. The patio in front the rooms, is the perfect place to chill together after a good kite session.De Silva´s Kiteresort KalpitiyaCommon...
by Kiteschule Srilanka | Jun 15, 2013 | News
office@surfschool-srilanka.comKALPITIYA — Best Windspot of Sri Lanka! De Silva´s KiteResort Kalpitiya offers actual windsurf and kite equipment for rental and courses. Daily windconditions in main season from Mai until October! The Lagoon is a very easy spot for...
by Kiteschule Srilanka | Jun 11, 2013 | News
Discovery CourseDaily BEGINNER-KITECOURSES at DE SILVA´s KiteResort Kalpitiya!First you learn to navigat a small kite to get a feeling for kite&wind on the land.Anfänger-Kitekurse Your instructor helps you to navigate the kite, gives you tipps and stays...
by Kiteschule Srilanka | May 29, 2013 | News
After Kiteinstructions or Kitesessions we cook for you delicious Sri Lankan food or organize BBQ-Parties! Fun and Action at Kalpitiya Lagoon!BBQ – night DE SILVASri Lanka dinnerDE SILVA´s KiteResort KalpitiyaDE SILVA´s KiteResort Kalpitiya is directly located at...
by Kiteschule Srilanka | May 11, 2013 | News
DE SILVA´s Kite Resort Kalpitiya – Kiteboarding and Windsurfing School – directly located at the main spot Kalpitiya Lagoon!Look at the forcast at Kalpitiya Lagoon for season start!Windforcast at DE SILVA´s KiteResort KalpitiyaKitesurfing Kalpitiya /...